What do Braxton Hicks Contractions Feel Like?
Some women do not feel much discomfort with their contractions, while others definitely feel stronger Braxton Hicks contractions. Usually, Braxton Hicks contractions are painless, causing only minor discomfort and annoyance. As you begin to get closer to your due date though, you may notice that your Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming stronger.
Braxton Hicks contractions tend to be infrequent and irregular, and can sometimes pop up out of nowhere. They usually don’t last long, though it depends on your particular pregnancy; some women have Braxton Hicks contractions that can last as long as 5 minutes.
When you experience a Braxton Hicks contraction, you might be able to feel the muscles in your uterus contracting. It will cause your stomach to become rigid and hard, which you will be able to feel if you touch your belly. This rigidity typically lasts only for a few minutes. You may also feel moderate pain in the front of your abdomen which will then radiate down your body.
Common Braxton Hicks Triggers
Many women notice that certain things trigger their Braxton Hicks contractions. Common triggers include:
- baby moving inside your body
- heavy exertion or exercise, especially carrying things
- touching your abdomen
- sexual intercourse
- dehydration
True Labor vs. Braxton Hicks Braxton Hicks | True Labor |
Contractions don't get closer together. | Contractions do get closer together. |
Contractions don't get stronger. | Contractions do get stronger. |
Contractions tend to be felt only in the front. | Contractions tend to be felt all over. |
Contractions don't last longer. | Contractions do last longer. |
Walking has no effect on the contractions. | Walking makes the contractions stronger. |
Cervix doesn't change with contractions. | Cervix opens and thins with contractions. |
What can I do if my Braxton Hicks contractions are making me uncomfortable?
If you're within a few weeks of your due date, try these measures:
• Change your activity or position. Sometimes walking provides relief. At other times, resting eases contractions. (True labor contractions, on the other hand, will persist and progress regardless of what you do.)
• Take a warm bath to help your body relax.
• Empty your bladder often. Bladder irritation can trigger more intense Braxton Hicks contractions.
• Try drinking a couple of glasses of water, since these contractions can sometimes be brought on by dehydration.
• Try relaxation exercises or slow, deep breathing. This won't stop the Braxton Hicks contractions, but it may help you cope with the discomfort. (Use this opportunity to practice some of the pain-management strategies you've learned in your childbirth preparation class.)
When should I call my doctor or midwife?
Calling your doctor or midwife should happen if you have contractions closer than 12 minutes apart prior to 37 weeks, as this might indicate
preterm labor and not Braxton Hicks contractions.
Call your caregiver right away if you haven't reached 37 weeks and your contractions are becoming more frequent, rhythmic, or painful, or if you have any of these possible signs of preterm labor:
• Abdominal pain, menstrual-like cramping, or more than four contractions in an hour (even if they don't hurt)
• Any vaginal bleeding or spotting
• An increase in vaginal discharge or a change in the type of discharge — if it becomes watery, mucusy, or bloody (even if it's only pink or blood-tinged)
• Increased pelvic pressure (a feeling that your baby's pushing down)
• Low back pain, especially if it's a new problem for you
If you're past 37 weeks, there's no need to call your doctor or midwife just for contractions until they last about 60 seconds each and are five minutes apart — unless your caregiver has advised you otherwise.