Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Beef Pie

1. 400g牛绞肉
2. 两粒洋葱,切丁
3. 一条胡萝卜,切丁
4. 些许蘑菇粒
5. 蒜头茸
6. 4汤匙pasta酱/ tomato puree
7. 些许牛肉上汤/ 水加些许鸡精块
8. 些许红酒
9. 调味料 (黑胡椒粉, 胡椒粉, 盐, 蚝油, Italian herbs)

1. 用少许油爆香洋葱和蒜头, 炒至洋葱成透明状
2. 加入牛绞肉炒至香,加入胡萝卜丁, 蘑菇粒
3. 加入红酒,翻炒至差不多汁干
4. 加入牛肉上汤,Pasta酱和调味料, 小火慢慢焖
5. 焖到要收汁时,加入面粉,使汁成浓稠状

1. 600g马铃薯泥 (Russet Potatoes)
2. 少许牛奶
3. 鸡蛋一粒
4. 些许牛油
5. 芝士碎 (Parmesan cheese)
6. 盐和胡椒

1. 用水来煮熟马铃薯
2. 马铃薯软了用叉子压烂,加入盐, 胡椒粉, 牛油, 芝士碎
3. 之后加入少许的牛奶和一粒蛋搅拌均匀

Beef Pie 做法:
1. 牛肉酱倒入烘盘里
2. 上面铺上马铃薯泥
3. 撒上芝士碎
4. 200度烘烤至薯泥成浅褐色即可(大约半小时)

Adapted from:

Alternative reference:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ang Ku Kuih

This was the Ang Ku Kuih recipe that I tried on last Saturday. As Ang Ku Kuih is normally included in a baby's full moon gift pack, so I was eager to know if I am able to make a batch of my own Ang Ku Kuih as well. The end result was acceptable and except not using an Ang Ku Kuih mould, it did taste like the normal ones from morning market.


  • 250 g glutinous rice flour
  • 120 ml hot water
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 130 g of sweet potatoes – steamed and mashed
  • few drops of red colour food colouring (optional)


  • 200 g mashed skinned green mung beans (soak beans overnight, then steam and mash them)
  • 2 tbsp of cooking oil
  • 120 - 130 g sugar (depends on your sweetness preference)
Additional Ingredient:
  • Banana leaves (cut into rounds/squares to fit each kuih. Lightly greased with oil)


1. Filling: Place the mung beans, sugar and oil into a food processor and blend it into a fine paste. Leave to cool, then divide into small round balls (about 20 g).
2. Skin: Mix all the ingredients for skin using your hands until it forms a soft dough. Add water (a little at a time) if the dough is too dry and crumbles.
3. Divide and roll the skin dough into little balls of 3 cm in diameter (about 30 g).
4. Flatten a ball of dough, place a ball of filling in it, wrap it up and roll into round shape. Place this onto a greased banana leaf. Repeat until all the filling and dough balls are used up.
5. Steam the Ang Ku Kuih for 8-10 minutes and brush with some oil as soon as you remove them from steamer. This helps to prevent the Ang Ku Kuih from sticking to one another.

Adapted from:

Alternative Recipe:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pregnancy@Week 36

We are entering the last stage of preparation for baby's arrival. Basically we are quite prepared physically as we have been constantly doing all the washing, cleaning and building up kitchen supply for the past few weeks. We have packed the bag, confirmed a pediatrician for the baby and my in-laws are arriving this Saturday. So, everything is on track. While I am not sure if I am ready for the birthing part, I will just follow the flow and pray for the best.

Sharing with you a photo of the 120 pcs meatball which I kept as emergency supply in freezer. You may find the recipe here. Hopefully I can still try out few more recipes before losing my freedom soon. :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


其实我根本就不记得今天是端午节. 不过不要紧, 反正现在瑞士才9.30pm, 还来得及祝大家端午节快乐!!!

今天这一篇其实更重要的是要提醒自己, 下次回国一定要找老妈子上一上粽子课.

回想起来, 我们人类的很多童年回忆都是和感觉, 味道离不开关系. 外婆以前煮的亚参鱼, 梅菜等等, 至今都还印烙在我的脑海里.

有些回忆是金钱换不来的. 希望我以后也会为孩子们留下一些属于他们老妈子的味道. 真的不想他们以后只记得某某餐馆, 某某大排挡的食物. 如果是这样, 很多传统文化和节日的庆祝也会跟着慢慢消失.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chocolate Walnut Chip Cookies

This is my 3rd time trying a chocolate chip cookies recipe and I am satisfied with the result. The sweetness is just at the right level and it has the taste of Famous Amos cookies.


100g butter
40g white castor sugar
40g brown castor sugar (normally tastes less sweet)
1 egg
1/2 stick of vanilla seed
170g all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1/8 teaspoon salt
150g chocolate chip (semi-sweet type)
60g chopped walnut

** I used Nestle's Cailler Cuisine Noir 64% chocolate bar and chop it into tiny pieces. To produce a batch of presentable cookies, do not over-chop your chocolate until too fine.


1. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
2. Beat butter and sugar with mixer until light colour and fluffy.
3. Add egg and vanilla seed. Blend and beat well with mixer. Scrap the wall of mixing bowl with spatula.
4. Preheat oven to 190C.
5. Pour in all powder (flour, boking soda, salt) to butter-egg mixture and combine well with spatula.
6. Again, mix well of chocolate and walnut chips to the buttery dough above.
7. Scoop mixture with spoon and place on baking pan. Leave enough space between each cookie dough.
8. Bake in preheated oven for 12-14 minutes or until cookies slightly turn brown.
9. Let cookies to cool and firm on cooling rack.
10. Store in air-tight container.

Adapted from:

Massage Treat from Peanut Boy

As papa is on business trip this week, so mama decided to show papa a massage treat mama received from peanut boy after breakfast this morning.

Monday, June 14, 2010


自从前些日子在Rasa Malaysia的部落格里读到The Little Teochew写的菜头粿食谱, 我这个潮州妹便老是心痒痒想弄点来吃.

上个星期天, 我把食谱里的整盘箩卜糕炒成这黑白双粿后, 一餐里便和我老公把它们给干掉. 除了菜脯碎太咸之外, 整体的味道的确和小食中心里卖的很相似.

以下便是这个炒黑白双粿的食谱. 英文版的食谱请看页尾的链接. 另外也附上了报章对炒粿的简介.

菜头粿/ 箩卜糕做法:

1个中形白箩卜(刨丝) + 50ml 水
200g 粘米粉
250ml 水
少许鸡精粉 (依个人喜好)

1. 用一个锅把白箩卜丝加50ml 水以中小火慢慢焖煮至熟(箩卜丝转透明). 时间大约是20分钟. 你也可以用不粘锅慢慢把白箩卜丝炒熟. 把煮熟的箩卜丝搁置一旁待凉.
2. 混合剩下的材料(粘米粉, 水, 盐, 胡椒粉, 鸡精粉).
3. 把混合好的米浆跟箩卜丝一起搅拌均匀. 倒入蒸盘里, 以大火蒸40分钟.
4. 蒸好的箩卜糕一定要搁至完全凉了, 它才会成型, 容易切块.

炒菜头粿/ 箩卜糕做法:
(用来炒以上半盘的箩卜糕 - 可以炒出两小碟)

2颗鸡蛋 (稍微打散)
鱼露 (份量随个人口味)
黑酱油/ 甜酱油 (份量随个人口味) 如果你是要炒传统的白色炒粿, 这黑酱油/ 甜酱油不用放
** 喜欢吃辣的可以在炒时加入一点辣椒酱. 我放了一点Sriracha辣椒酱.

1. 把半盘的箩卜糕 切成小方块, 以中火用不粘锅加点油煎一煎.
2. 大火爆香蒜茸和菜脯碎. 加入之前煎好的小方块箩卜糕兜炒.
3. 再加入鱼露, 胡椒粉和黑酱油 (如果你是要炒传统的白色炒粿, 这黑酱油/ 甜酱油不用放). 把箩卜糕和调味料一起炒拌均匀.
4. 把鸡蛋倒入和箩卜糕一起煎, 待稍微金黄成形后再翻过来煎.
5. 最后把箩卜糕, 鸡蛋和调味料再次兜炒均匀. 上桌.

** 菜脯切碎后最好可以用水泡一泡以免太咸或吃到盐粒

Adapted from:

Alternative reading:

Saturday, June 12, 2010


续昨天介绍了黑糖的好处, 今天趁英国对垒美国时煮了这到姜母茶汤圆. 真感谢台湾的好姐妹们介绍了姜母茶这好东西给我. 即食汤圆加即食姜母茶糖水, 甜品吃完后, 成绩还是1-1.

Friday, June 11, 2010

花生仔 (Peanut Boy)

这是我肚子里的'花生仔'(对, 又多了一个花名叫Peanut Boy)爱摆的'花生式睡觉pose'. 短片里拍到的还不够花生, 更花生的我没拍到.

The Benefits of Brown Sugar


因为夏天是办烧烤会是的季节, 所以想试一试, 看哪个食谱烤出来的肉最好吃. 以下是一个较简单的. 烧烤温度和时间是根据我家的烤箱, 出炉时鸡皮是脆脆的. 平时我都不吃皮, 今天破例吃了.


1. 鸡腿2只
2. 盐适量
3. 胡椒粉 1/2茶匙
4. 五香粉 1/2茶匙

1. 鸡全身抹盐,五香粉和胡椒粉. 腌隔夜.
2. 用烤箱烤至肉熟皮脆即可.

240 degree - 15 min
220 degree - 15 min
200 degree - 20 min

Adapted from:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yeo's Singapur Chili Sauce

This is the chili sauce for Malaysian-Singaporean chicken rice (鸡饭), bbq pork rice (叉烧饭), crispy roast pork rice (烧肉饭) etc. Bought it from Lian Huan Supermarket, Zurich (read more here). With the sauce, you will be able to reproduce a more original Malaysian chicken rice.

Penang Pok Oy Thong 5-Spice Powder

We did a quick search online and found out that the most famous 5-spice powder in Penang is from the brand Pok Oy Thong. It contains finely ground spices of cinnamon, aniseed, star anise, lime peel, cloves, coriander seeds, nutmeg, rice and pepper. Basically, you can you use it to marinate all kinds of meat. According to the suggested cooking instruction, use 2 teaspoons of 5-spice powder (for 600g of meat), add with sugar, salt and soy sauce for the marination. The meat is then suitable for frying, roasting and grilling.

You can get it at:
Kedai Ubat Cina Pok Oy Thong
365-B, Lebuh Chulia, 10200 Penang, Malaysia.

Alternative source:


昨天晚饭煮了一道懒人叉烧. 下午两点把肉腌一腌, 傍晚七点半把肉煎一煎, 再煮点油饭, 就变成了叉烧饭. 其实要做这个叉烧饭并不难, 重点只在于用好的五香粉, 吃饭时再加点对的辣椒酱.

- 5 片薄猪肉片 (肥瘦适中)
- 麦芽糖/ 蜜糖适量

- 2 茶匙五香粉
- 2 茶匙麻油
- 2 茶匙绍兴酒
- 1/2 茶匙糖
- 2 汤匙叉烧酱/ 海鲜酱
- 2 汤匙酱油
- 2 汤匙蒜茸

1. 用腌料把猪肉腌制数小时.
2. 用煎锅把肉煎熟.
3. 把肉的两面刷上麦芽糖/ 蜜糖.
4. 翻煎一下. 上桌.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sweet Corn

I am a big fan of steamed sweet corn. Hot steaming corn with some margarine/ butter and salt..... mmmmmm...... simply delicious. That's why it really surprised me when I saw Nelson's corn in cup selling at the car park entrance of Leman Centre Crissier (one of the so called bigger shopping malls in Lausanne). My husband saw the banner first with the picture of our Twin Towers. Further reading confirmed that this is the same Nelson's as in Malaysia. I was then curious if they sell 'ice cream potong' as well. I explained to my husband that I grew up eating their 'potong cempedak and durian' when I was young. I don't think he understands as he is allergic to durian.

Ok, maybe I should try to snap a photo of the Nelson's booth next time and check out on the 'ice cream potong'.

Monday, June 7, 2010

New Sports Car for Baby

There you are. Another toy in the already overstuffed apartment. This time we have something cool in orange.

Toy Collection

Here are some toys for the baby. Some old, some new but all of them are... cheap. Haha.... of course babies cannot differentiate expensive and inexpensive toys. They care more about their sleep and milk. By the way, the big white teddy is mine. We named it 'Peanut Bear'. And... oh... we received our Maclaren Quest Sport stroller from Singapore today. Another gift from hubby's brother. Tqtq.

Treasure Hunting on A Saturday ~ 05.06.2010

Thanks to Maggie, we went to a 2nd hand market (Le Vide-Grenier à la place de Milan) which is said to be held once a year in Lausanne. At first we thought it was only a 2nd hand market for baby items but it turned out to be much bigger scale selling all sorts of unwanted from the Lausannese. After almost 3 hours of hunting in the park, we left with the above. Some of the items were only selling at 50 cents or 1 franc which is almost impossible to buy anything in Switzerland. At the end, we felt richer spending 40 franc for all (minus the electrical steamer which we bought it new from Conforama after we left the market. We plan to use it as bottle sterilizer and food steamer for baby).

Tuesday, June 1, 2010



真正开始自己学做蛋糕是在来了洛桑之后. 之前因为自己爱吃芝士蛋糕, 还有老公喜欢蛋塔, 所以也找了人现场教我. 后来, 又因为买了面包机, 便利用它的蛋糕功能做了一些简单的食谱.

第一次自己动手找食谱做, 是在庆祝老公2008年的生日. 选了一个最简单的鱼胶粉水果芝士蛋糕. 没想到因为这里超市里卖的鱼胶粉和大马的不一样, 所以份量不准, 搞到最后还要用燕菜丝来凝固蛋糕. 很搞笑...还好老公没嫌弃, 蛋糕也放得下口.

再后来, 因为想打发时间, 还有因为在外国, 大家上门做客时都会带点小礼物小糕点, 所以便认定了烘培是一门必修课. 加上OHBIN的BLOG, 所介绍的食谱都是即精准又简单, 慢慢的, 我便对烘培越感兴趣.

个人觉得烘培比一般烹饪有趣. 除了没有烹饪里的血腥场面, 更重要的是甜点让大家觉得开心. 当然, 甜点吃多了也会腻而且对牙齿和健康都不好.

无论如何, 我还是希望在未来能够多学一些烘培的技巧. 那样, 以后做起生日蛋糕也不会那么糗了.


顺便和大家介绍一下, 这一只小虎娃是我们在巴黎唐人街用3欧元买的. 今年是虎年, 想帮小孩存些纪念品(其实是自己想要...). 可是,在瑞士也实在难买!@#$@!%@$#.

我妹在台湾也帮我买了一只, 所以哪位仁兄仁妹如果有见到可爱的虎饰品, 麻烦帮帮忙买下来. 我不想再等个十二年. 先谢了.


1. 嫩姜200g切小块,加入100ml水打烂成泥
2. 蒜茸五瓣,和姜一块打烂成泥
3. 油100ml
4. 鸡粉1茶匙
5. 盐1茶匙
6. 麻油少许

1. 烧热油,全部材料倒入,煮至滚即可。
2. 把姜茸酱铺在鱼上面,蒸至熟即可。

1. 姜茸酱可以预先准备好,放在玻璃罐里放置在冰箱,可存放一个月。
2. 姜蒜茸要打的越幼越好,这样才能充分出味。
3. 除了蒸鱼,也可以蒸鸡,再不然就用来沾白砍鸡。
