Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oven-Roasted Chestnuts

Yummy yummy... it is chestnut season now.... one of my all time favourite snacks. After a quick search online for an oven-roasted chestnuts recipe by my husband, I bought about a kilo of them and roasted them this morning. The preparation was simple and the end result was satisfying. I love spending my rainy mornings peeling warm, freshly roasted chestnuts ... just like today.


1. Rinse, drain and pat dry your chestnuts with a dry kitchen towel.
2. Place a piece of clean dish towel on cutting board.
3. Hold and set one chestnut with flat side down on your dish towel. For safety sake, you might want to wear an oven glove when holding the chestnut.
4. With a small, sharp knife, cut an X in each chestnut.
5. Put the chestnuts in a baking pan with the X facing up.
6. Roast in a preheated oven of 220 degree celcius for 20-30 minutes depending on the size of your chestnuts.

You should unshell your chestnuts while they are still warm. Doing this when they are cold will demand triple amount of effort and time plus the chestnuts break easily into tiny pieces.

Original recipe from:

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