Sunday, September 26, 2010

About Breastfeeding

The journey of breastfeeding is a tough one for me. From the lacking of milk at the beginning followed by bottle preference from baby and the use of syringe to supplement. Lately, I am finally having enough milk for my baby.

Ok, I make the assumption firstly because the baby is spending less time on breasts while he needed 50 minutes to squeeze out the very last drop of milk from both breasts previously. Secondly, he is able to sleep for longer hours (occasionally more than 4 hours) without a feed now. Thirdly, we no longer need to supplement him with formula unless we are going out and know that we might miss the feeding time. Fourthly, he is more happy nowadays, spending his time watching "Baby Einstein" and self talking.

I certainly hope to maintain the current condition as long as possible because it allows me to have more rest time and baking is becoming possible again. I am glad that I did not give up breastfeeding when problem occurred. What could be more intimate than breastfeeding your own baby??

Sharing here are a few methods used by me so far to boost milk production.

From the photo (left to right):

1. Rivella Bleu - A soft drink from Switzerland containing dairy milk extracts. I only drink it occasionally as I am worried about the calories intake.

2. Galactogil
- A French supplement that supposedly increases milk production in nursing mothers. Personally, I did not see a significant increment in milk production plus I think it is pricey. You can get it in local pharmacies with the price of CHF 19.80 per can of 210 g. White granules to be diluted in some liquid, 1-2 tablespoons, 3 times per day. You might finish a can within 2 weeks time.

3. Fennel Tea - Can easily be found in all local supermarket and pharmacies. I bought the one in granules form which can be diluted directly in any liquid instead of boiling hot water for the tea bag type fennel tea. CHF 3.20 for a can of 200 g.

4. Silacten - Another stimulant but in drops form. 15 drops per intake in some liquid, 5 times a day. CHF 11.20 per 50 ml. I prefer this over Galactogil as it is light, almost tasteless and a bottle can last you about 3-4 weeks.

5. Beer without alchohol

Additional ways to stimulate milk supply:

1. Papaya fish soup - I cook the soup once per week as another source of protein and liquid intake.

2. Barley drink - Boil pearled barley in water and and add sugar if desire.

3. Oatmeal - I noticed a significant increase in milk supply after taking oatmeal as breakfast daily. I either cook the oat in milk with a bit of sugar or boil it in water and mix with Marmite when I prefer something savoury.

Extra readings:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Mid Autumn Festival ~ 中秋节快乐

Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!!

10.30pm now... and the baby is making so much noise. Yea... Ian started to make strange sound since this evening ... as if talking in his own language. He is 2-month-old today and it is really a great mid autumn present to us.

We had a home-cooked dinner... as usual. Broccoli, papaya fish soup (haha... to boost milk supply), sweet vinegar spare ribs and steamed fish with soy sauce. After the dinner, hubby spent quite long time searching high and low for the paper lanterns that we brought over. We gave up after 2 hours of searching. Think we misplaced them somewhere. Sorry sis, it was a waste of effort sending me the candles.

A very quiet celebration indeed. Moon being blocked by another higher apartment, no lanterns, TV is on, baby is resting on hubby's tummy and me... drinking beer without alcohol (also to boost milk supply). Luckily I still have a green tea red bean moon cake to call it a Mid Autumn Festival. I really missed playing lanterns in grandma's house or going to TC with family.

Ooohh... the video upload took ages.

Friday, September 17, 2010


结婚生子真是件不可思议的人生转捩点. 由不会做饭到煮三餐, 再从自由自在到吃饭冲凉都成为奢侈享受. 过程真是即惊又喜. 难得今晚他们父子都睡倒床上, 我才有时间忙里偷闲, 发发牢骚.

孩子快两个月了. 可是还是在为他喝奶的事情忙得团团转. 没办法, 谁叫他老妈子我产奶量有限, 唯有在人奶和奶粉这场拉锯战里, 几经辛苦让他长大. 还好孩子长得很可爱, 这才让我那疲累的身心找到一个平衡点. 我想所谓的母爱便是由此而生的吧... 因为我本人之前并不会对别人家的小孩特别关注.

这是小老虎的近照, 到底有没有像我啊???